Trans Pride - Community Waves
/Oh my goodness, Trans Pride was SO MUCH FUN!!!
I had a table promoting transgender - affirming therapy. I answered questions about how to find clinics that provide hormones. I talked about my practice. I shared information about others' practices. I had stickers and books and paper and colored pencils and a few markers. (Pictures below: We asked permission of the people at the table whose backs we took pictures and they said that it was okay to take the pictures. Yay!)
And we drew. Oh how we drew. I asked my community to draw pictures of what waves meant to them. Waves is the shortened name of my company. Its longer, official name is, Waves, A Psychological Corporation. People often ask me if spells out anything in particular (such as W is for Woman) or what it means. Well, I have my own reasons for calling my corporation Waves, mostly stemming from my love of water, the ocean, the sea, and nature as well as thinking about waves as ripples of emotions. There's certainly more I could say about what I mean by it, but since Trans Pride was a day of Community Building, I was really interested in what the word, "Waves" meant to other people.
You were incredible: Incredibly courageous for putting pencil or marker to paper, incredibly creative in how you thought of waves, from ocean waves, to sound waves, to hand waving and hand not waving, to all sorts of different colors of waves. I asked each of you to sign your work, and if I had your permission to put your drawings of waves on my website, and each of you (and your parents, as applicable), said that I could. Some of you put your picture on instagram or sent your design to others. It was awesome! I am grateful for you.
Here are your pictures. Some of them might be upside-down or right side up. I had them taped all along my booth, showcasing your work. Some got ripped when I took them down at the end of the event; I apologize for any markings on your drawings.
Thank you for sharing with me and in sharing with each other.
Here are your waves, in no particular order.
Thank you for stopping by my booth. I had such a pleasure meeting you. And while I did not act as your psychologist as we had no therapeutic relationship, I did very much appreciate showing those who came on by my booth, my down-to-earth, approachable personality. Thank you so much for stopping by! Happy Pride!
Warmly and in solidarity,
Dr. Abi Weissman
PSY 27497
Waves, A Psychological Organization