Please vote for me!
/No, I am not running for the President of the USA! To register in that election, please click here to register to vote.
There's another election coming up in San Diego, California.
The Board of Directors of San Diego Psychological Association (SDPA)'s new slate of hopeful board members is on the ballot.
Yours truly, Dr. Abi Weissman, is running for
a position as a
Member at Large,
on SDPA's Board of Directors
for 2016-2017 term.
This would be in addition to my role as a Co-Chair of SDPA's LGBT Committee. I am thrilled with the potential opportunity to be on the Board of Directors of the SDPA.
MY GOALS if elected are:
*to create more LGBT-affirming opportunities for clinicians in the San Diego area
*to deepen connections between psychologists and clinicians of other mental health disciplines
*to work to have more events scheduled in INLAND NORTH San Diego County
Dr. Abi Weissman, an LGBTQIQA - Affirming Psychologist needs your vote!
I would very much appreciate your vote.
I'm happy to answer your questions and be a(another) board member who is open and responsive to member comments.
Please click here to vote (you will have to login first)
Thank you for considering voting for me, Dr. Abi Weissman, psychologist, for the Member at Large position.
Dr. Abi Weissman
PSY 27947
This post and its contents do not represent a therapeutic relationship with Dr. Weissman. Please reach out to find a licensed therapist for individual support.