Finding Community through the San Diego Psych Association's LGBT Committee Meeting
/[Flyer with rainbow flag showing information for the July 30th SDPA LGBT Committee Meeting.]
I'm excited to share with you the time and date of our next LGBT Committee meeting of the San Diego Psych Association. The meeting is
from 10am to 12pm on Saturday, July 30th, 2016
at the San Diego Psych Association.
We are hosting this meeting at the San Diego Psych Association. This is a change for us as we often hold our meetings in our members' homes. This time, we wanted to make EXTRA sure that our space was in a wheel-chair friendly space, with easy parking, and a central San Diego location, making it extra easy if newcomers wanted to join us.
RSVP to me, Dr. Abi Weissman, at . We have an Evite for this event as well. Please let me know if you would like to be added to our Evite as well.
This meeting is
open to all mental health clinicians and students
who are interested in
working with LGBTQIQA and ally populations and/or identify as LGBTQIQA and an ally themselves.
Social workers and Marriage and Family Therapists and Licensed Professional Counselors and Psychologists alike are WELCOME at our meetings.
We also love having students join us and many students and trainees are part of our committee.
In the few years that I have been in attendance, I have very much appreciated the opportunity to connect with my fellow clinicians and colleagues.
We share our histories and our herstories and our theirstories. We laugh together. We discuss current events that have affected our communities. We consult and we support each other and the work that we do.
SDPA membership is NOT required to attend the meeting although we would love it if you decided after attending to join
us in supporting our local psych association, the SDPA. I have to tell you that this committee has been one of the best
parts of joining the San Diego Psych Association for me. I am honored to serve as co-chair with Dr. Joe Severino as a way
to support the LGBTQIQA communities with which I identify and I serve. Please do let me know if you have any
questions about membership in the SDPA; I'd be delighted to share with you how to join, if you are interested.
We welcome you and we cannot wait to get to know you better and learn how we can best support you in the good work that you do.
Dr. Abi Weissman
Co-Chair, SDPA's LGBT Committee
Psychologist PSY 27497
This blog post does not constitute a therapeutic relationship. Please follow the advice only as it best feels safe to you and your loved ones.