Coffee Love
/Coffee Love by Abi Weissman, Psy.D. picture of take out coffee cup in teal with waves logo beneath it.
Coffee definitely does not always love me. There was the year I gave it up because it didn't get along with my stomach. Then, there was the time when I realized that I'm sensitive to the caffeine in it so I began stopping caffeine at 2 pm and then, at 12noon pm, and while I sometimes sway back to enjoying a cup of caffeinated joe or jane past 4 pm, I surely regret it.
Sometimes, it helps me focus like the stimulant that it is, and, at other times, it sends me off buzzing away as a hyper bee dancing among the flowers. I've been slowly morphing my coffee habit into a love of water and its hydrating powers. I know that water is "better" for me. I’ve read that hydration helps people stay more alert and does it without adding anxiety or thirst into the picture like caffeine can. BUT, there are those moments when drinking a good cup of coffee, roasted perfectly, smooth, and from a local small business, preferably with fair trade practices, that my heart feels like it is singing vibrant melodies.
Sipping coffee reminds me of living back east when coffee shops were times to connect with friends, over board games, and folk music, and dark, worn spaces. I felt at home there, in Somerville, or Cambridge. My long, purple-haired, hippie-wanna-be, nerdy, tentatively queer self, could shine as I contemplated big life questions while sitting on a ratty couch. I vividly remember those open mike nights where intense spoken word mixed with lingering lyrics of feminist folk music. So, coffee, while you might not always be the most physically healthy brew, emotionally, I am grateful for you.
If you are looking for a psychologist who loves coffee and therefore, has coffee (and tea and water) options in her main (Poway) office, AND prioritizes LGBTQIQA - mental health, please click the orange button below to find a time to speak with Dr. Abi Weissman or one the lovely therapists at Waves, A Psychological Corporation. Waves, A Psych Corporation's therapists each offer a 15 minute (free) phone conversation to see how we can best help you thrive.
Thank you for reading,
Abigail "Abi" Weissman, Psy.D.
PSY 27497
Waves, A Psychological Corporation
As always, blog posts are meant for general information and not for individualized assistance. Reading this post does NOT mean that one has a therapeutic relationship with anyone at Waves, A Psychological Corporation.