/Black and gray writing over a teal blue background with swirls and circles design. Writing says: Additions and There is also a Waves logo on the picture.
I am thrilled to let you know that Waves has been busy adding tools to better support our clients.
We have added keypads to our main doors at the Poway office to support the safety and security of our clients (and ‘cause it feels all high techy to have a key pad to punch codes into). Once one becomes a client of Waves, A Psychological Corporation, we will provide our client-only code to you that will allow you access to the front door into the waiting room. If you happen to be a current client, please let us know if we haven’t told you already what the new code is. If you haven’t seen us in a good while, this might be a good time to get back in touch with us, and make a new appointment, so you can experience the keypad (and ya know, continue work towards your own mental health goals) for your very selves.
We have also hired a virtual assistant team. Two of their main duties are to answer calls and schedule appointments. This way your calls will be answered in a timely fashion and you will be able to schedule something sooner than if I were still picking up the phone. You can still ask the receptionist to set up a free 15-minute one-on-one call with me or another therapist at Waves if you prefer to speak with a clinician directly before making a first therapy appointment or setting up a therapist consultation time. If you schedule a session on with the wonderful receptionist, you will be assured of having an appointment all set up and ready to go. Another way to ensure that you will get a quicker response from me (aka Dr. Abi Weissman) is to email me. Please note that I tend to check emails twice a day and will be delighted to contact you back when I can. Again, for the quickest response, please contact Waves’s office between the hours of 9am to 5pm Pacific Time, Monday through Friday. We look forward to hearing from you.
In addition, we have added a few more creamer options at Waves. As you might remember from my earlier blog post, I love coffee. We have added creamers to the coffee cart, one dairy creamer, and one vegan coconut-based version. Both creamer options are restocked often and will be on the bottom shelf of the cart.
We at Waves hope that adding keypads, a receptionist, and some creamer options will enhance your experience at Waves. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact me, Dr. Abi Weissman, founder of Waves, directly at .
Thank you for reading Waves’s blog; you rock!
If you are looking for a clinician who prioritizes LGBTQIQAP – mental health and you live in San Diego County, please contact Dr. Abi Weissman (PSY 27497) at or (619) 403-5578 (especially between 9 to 5, Monday through Friday).
If you are looking for an ab fab LGBT ADULT GROUP (called LGBT & Me) in Poway, CA, please find out more information here and contact us to sign on up! Let's make this support group a reality!
As always, this post does not signify a therapeutic relationship with Dr. Abi Weissman or Waves, A Psychological Corporation and is meant to share general information. Should you need individual information about your situation, please contact your local licensed counselor, therapist, or psychologist.